Beyonce - You Rocked My World!


I went to see Beyonce a couple of weeks ago.  To be honest I was tired and really wanted a quiet night in.  However, as soon as she appeared on stage I was captivated.  The show was amazing - the singing  - the dancing - the backdrops!  I must've seen something over 100 gigs but this was deffo up there as one of the best - she's gotta be one of the hardest working girls in show business and really gave her all.  Can't stop listening to her now.  Absolutely loving 'Smash Into You' right now.  Really can't wait to see her next time she comes to the UK!

Nine more days until Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Can't wait  - though haven't pre-ordered yet - hoping to get a good deal on the day of release from a supermarket - just hope they have sufficient stock!

Happy Diwali y'all!


In the Shadow of the Moon


Just spent a couple of hours totally absorbed in this fascinating documentary about the Apollo missions and the journey to man taking his first steps on the moon.  The film containss interviews with most of the surviving astronauts of the Apollo program who give fascinating insights - particularly liked Alan Bean who seems a great bloke! (he's now a painter producing some interesting work  There is also some wonderful photography - and the soundtrack works perfectly!  Watched it on blu-ray and it contained loads of extra footage - shame it couldn't have been incorporated into the movie itself though!  May rating 81/100

Hitler finds out about another Downfall parody


The best Tony Soprano impression...ever!!!


This guy is amazing he does a whole bunch of impressions of various Sopranos characters - if you're a fan of the Sops I'm sure you'll enjoy this.  Some bad language, but hey what you gonna do!

Happy Dashain to anyone from Nepal


Imagine - John Lennon


After being on a Beatles trip for a few weeks now I decided to give this another look.  It really is a nicely put together documentary with some well known and some less well know clips of John from childhood, the Beatles through to his solo work.  I particularly liked the clip of the American hippie guy who managed to get into the grounds of John's estate and John comes to the door and is questioned by the guy over the meaning of the lyrics in some of the Beatles songs.  The poor fella is a little 'confused' and thinks some of the Beatles lyrics were personally aimed at him, a man who John had never met!!   John tells the guy that he was just having fun playing with words and there was no hidden meanings.  He then asks the guy if he's hungry and invites him in for breakfast!  How cool is that!
There are also some great studio moments captured on film.  Particularly interesting to see George joining John in the studio during the recording of 'How Do You Sleep?', a scathing attack on Paul McCartney.  Seemingly Ringo visited the studio and was reportedly upset, saying 'That's enough John'.  Thankfully a later interview with John shows that things were much better with John even forseeing the Beatles reforming in the future! Alas! :-( Anyway here are the lyrics:

How Do You Sleep?

So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise
You better see right through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head

Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?

You live with straights who tell you you was king
Jump when your mama tell you anything
The only thing you done was yesterday
And since you've gone you're just another day

Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?

Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?

A pretty face may last a year or two
But pretty soon they'll see what you can do
The sound you make is muzak to my ears
You must have learned something in all those years

Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?

Caught up in the hype...again! Damn!


Why do I always fall for the hype!!!   You see I love the Beatles, but already have Rockband and I am so crap at it and struggle on easy (though i did discover Man in the Box by Alice in Chains which makes it all worthwhile) and as usual I lost interest in playing it after a while.  When I heard the Beatles Rockband was announced I thought it sounded fun but would be pointless me buying it due to my lack of skill :-) .  But of course like in most cases I got caught up in the hype an bought it the day after release.  To be honest it's great fun and the sound and visuals are top notch, but....I still suck!  Struggling on easy whilst other friends get five stars on difficult is a wee bit frustrating.  It's damn near impossible for someone with my lack of co-ordination  - I blame it on being left handed ;-).  I won't even start on my singing abilities - I go from Barry White to a Bee Gee in a single lyric, with no happy medium - I feel sorry for the neighbours.  Anyway, back on the shelf for you for a while - got Tiger Woods 10 on its way, I've got to be better at that, I can't be worse can I?



Two movies in two nights!  Watched Bronson, a movie based on the life of Charles Bronson (changed by deed poll) a guy who has spend 34 years in jail, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement!!  I was particularly looking forward to this as I'd read a little about Charlie Bronson and also seen the lead actor, Tom Hardy, recently in a TV drama called 'the Take' - and he was very impressive!  I enjoyed Bronson and Hardy was again very good, but as the movie ended I felt a little underwhelmed and thought this was a slightly wasted opportunity and a decent movie could have been much better with more of an insight into the mind of the main character and a little more detail.  My rating 70/100

Død snø (Dead Snow)



Was at a bit of a loose end last night and really couldn't decide what to watch.  In the end I pulled a dvd off the shelf which a friend had lent me a few days earlier, a Norwegian movie, the translated title of which is Dead Snow.  It's a crazy movie about nazi zombies (yup!).  It's pretty low budget, with a lot of gore and its tongue firmly in cheek!  Lots of movie references too, which was nice.  a nice movie if you fancy a bit of mindless fun, with running nazi zombies and faces being ripped apart.  My rating 65/100.

Sideshow Bob puts us top!


Another game and another win and another clean sheet.  In fact we haven't conceded since the one goal on the opening day of the season.  After the relegation, the ownership fiasco, the tiny squad and the shocking away kit ;-) I was not expecting much this season, in fact I was genuinely concerned that we could be relegated again.

I don't know what it is, maybe a few prima donnas have left, the belief is back, or maybe a few of theplayers are playing at a level at which they're suited - whatever it is I'm delighted.  Hughton and Calderwood are doing a great job, but I don't want them to be appointed managers on a permanent basis as it'll all end in tears, no doubt!  Once we get a manager in (big Al please) they should resume their coaching duties at which they do a sterling job.

Now all we need is the fat man to show some common sense and sell up and let us move on!

Spent much of this weekend watching the Office


Watched series 1 and 2 and laughed so hard it hurt.  The casting is perfection, from Dawn, Tim and Gareth to Rachel, Brenda, Finchie and Keith!  Ricky Gervais' mannerisms as his alter ego David Brent are hilarious.  Whilst there were 2 series as well as the Christmas specials I really think they could've got away with a third season as the major events in season 2 could've been spread over two without a drop in quality.

Whilst on the subject I also love the American Office which has established its own separate identity, is totally hilarious and is equally well cast.

Great way to get people to pay attention to plane safety procedures


Saw this on the plane - great idea and so cute!

Been back from Protaras in Cyprus for about a week now...


...had a great time, but am really missing my family :-(

Last night I watched 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' for the first time ever!


First of all I have to say I love movies.  Been a big movie fan for years now, but somehow I've missed a few classics. So browsing through my unwatched dvds I picked this baby out!

It's not at all what I was expecting.  Whilst it's pretty violent and atmospheric, it's also pretty funny.  The direction by the legendary Sergio Leone is amazing, well ahead of its time.  The three leads were perfect.  I was interested to read that there were a few scenes that were recently discovered and they were redubbed and added to the movie.  i didn't spot these scenes but on finding out what they were, I guess you could notice.  There seem to be  a bit of a split on whether these extra scenes added to the movie or not - for my untrained eye they were certainly worth including.

The soundtrack is amazing and I really liked the haunting song sung by the prisoners, so I downloaded it from itunes.  The movie has certainly renewed my interest in westerns and I reckon I'm gonna be on a roll.  My rating 90/100

The George Formby Grill


I did actually hear someone seriously asking for this! :-)

The Jeremy Kyle Show


I saw a couple of episodes of this show this morning.  It really is quite depressing!  The things that really struck were:

  • The phrase 'at the end of the day' (or 'at end of day' depending on where in the country they're from) is used by every single 'guest'.
  • Tracksuits, baseball caps, trainers, unwashed hair and lovebites are sartorial elegance for many.
  • The teeth of these people is worse than any Victorian.  Having no gaps on the upper tier is a rare occurrence and as for the colour, ugh!

Enough said!

The best Karl Pilkington resource (not that there are many!)


This man makes me laugh with his ramblings - I recently finished 'Happy Slapped by a Jellyfish' his holiday memoirs, which was a hoot!

My fat, old lovely cat, Sophie


I'm dying...


...well not quite, but I do have a serious case of man-flu. Been fighting it for a week but finally could take it no more, so stayed in bed! I've had a nap and am getting a bit restless now!

So what should I do, watch a movie, start on a tv series or play a game. May try Fable2 on the 360 as have heard very good things about it.

You know I'm not really getting this whole blog thing yet. I could continue as I am rambling on about nothing much - which to be honest is not going to be of much interest to anyone - or I could look towards focusing on a specific area. Find my niche!

Time to think!

Lazing on a sunny afternoon


Been a lovely weekend over here. Had planned to spend most of the weekend indoors as I've got a stinking cold...and because I just bought Infamous on the PS3. Alas, the draw of the sun was just too much.

Spent part of the afternoon gazing into the pond where we noticed a drowning bee. What's the thing to do here rescue it or let nature take its course? Well we rescued it, but by then I think it was a bit mental. It just kept going round in circles on the grass for ages - then I lost interest. I think it must've died!

What a great thing the iphone is for passing time in the sun! Spent much time adding a heap of folks to twitter and then registered with Goozex. Goozex is a site which is kind of a game trading community. Looks interesting, listed a few - let's see what happens!

The New Boy


Well, if I'm honest, I don't know what I'm doing here. Thought I'd give it a try, but I fear I'll have nothing interesting to say!!!

I will, however, try to do something over the coming days.

If anyone has any advice for a newbie blogger, it would be much appreciated!!!!

Toodles for now.